You’re a storyteller trying to flesh out your vision, using your deck you attempt to tell the perfect story. Unfortunately, there are other people who have the same idea. Laugh, cry and battle against opposing storytellers attempting to butt in with their boring stories. The storyteller who casts their best characters, rigs special effects, resolves their scenes then successfully plays their specific Ending card is declared the winner and their story is the one told!

Every story begins with a location, begin by establishing a set that will benefit your story best. Each Setting has a limited amount of Character roles and some of them directly effect the Characters cast.
Once you have the location scouted you're ready to cast your stars!
Each turn cast a Character from your hand into an available Character role on a Setting.

Once the Characters are cast you're ready for them to act our a Scene. Each scene is color coordinated to the Character's Statistics. Add up the corresponding stats, whomever has the highest total in the Setting is declared the winner of that particular Scene. The losing Characters are re-written.
After a Scene is Resolved any player may Establish a new Setting onto the same Story Tree. Keep Casting Characters and resolving Scenes until you draw and fulfill the Requirements listed on your particular Ending Card. Once you do, you must successfully resolve a Scene then you may play your Ending card, declaring yours is the Story told in the annals of the history!